Saturday, January 12, 2013

Spain's economic crisis isn't impacting just Spaniards...

Check out this recent photo blogpost from a friend of mine who is currently living in North-East Spain documenting an encounter with abandoned felines in Vic, Catalonia.

Wordsartiste: The Crisis in Their Eyes...

Yes, the current economic situation of many countries is difficult, at best. However, I think we often forget just how granulated a poor economy can go. Household pets and forever friends are often some of the first to be let go of when financial times get tough. Don't get me wrong, if you can't feed your family fuzzy you shouldn't keep them. However, kicking the domesticated animal to the curb is abuse - would you consider leaving your toddler alone on the street to fend for itself when money got tight? No, likely you would feel the assumption that toddlers can 'figure out' how to take care of themselves is ludicrous. Expecting an animal which has never been in a situation requiring it to acquire food/shelter/etc, is essentially the same thing.


Luckily, most communities have animal protection agencies who WANT to take in animals when their owners have discovered they can no longer care for them, and WANT to try and find a new home for this surrendered forever friend.

My favourite local animal protection societies here in my current home of New South Wales are:

Both are predominately donation funded, though they both also have a second-hand/thrift store/op-shop associated with their organisation, the profits from which are redirected back into providing care and services for abandoned and surrendered pets. Neither practice nor endorse euthanasia, and favor education for humans on the proper care techniques for their pet.

Have a look-see on Google or your favourite search engine and share with me the local animal protection agency in your area!

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