Saturday, January 10, 2015

'Muse me!

2014 wound up being a big and crazy year for me. In spite of all the stress, bad luck, trials, and other such 'character building' experiences, I did rediscover a joy of drawing and doodling I'd completely forgotten about. Doodling, drawing, and arting around in general really helped me keep some grounding in the crazy.

My goal for this year is to make the time to art a little every day, including creating more finished/polished pieces outside of the typical sketchbook works. More centrally, however, I want to work on my imagination and creative improvisation with my drawing.

So, I propose this challenge:

I'm asking those of you with creative thought, a penchant for patronising the arts, or who give in to the impish glee of challenging someone to push their boundaries, to send me a suggestion for a doodle. In return, I will make a doodle using your suggestion for inspiration and you will receive a copy for your own muse-ings (you see what I did there? ;) ) and bragging rights.

Suggestions can include:
- a phrase you find inspiring,
-  a collection of words (or even just one word)
- an abstract thought or idea you think might make a cool drawing,
- etc.

Warning: The point of this exercise is for me to work at thinking outside the box, so be ready for something likely unexpected!

To participate, just comment below or email me at thevbunny (at) gmail (dot) com.

A peak at last year's sketchbook:


  1. Whenever I got to comicons I always find an artist I like and commission a "cuddly cthulhu", so that's my first idea for a challenge.
